Amuse News

Episode 18: School Lunch, Composting, and Gooseberries with Maggie Tauranac

Episode Summary

On this episode of HRN Happy Hour, Caity's dear friend and former classmate, Maggie Tauranac joins us in studio! Kat recaps her trip to Slow Food Nations in Denver (click here to see and hear all the coverage) and we share some other headlines from around HRN and the food world! After the break, we hear more from Maggie, who is now the Program Associate at GRACE Communications Foundation, which advocates for more sustainable alternatives to our current industrial food system. Maggie has an MA in Food Studies from New York University where she conducted an analysis on agricultural antibiotic overuse and strategies for reduction. With a particular interest in ethics in the food system, her focus is predominantly on policy/advocacy issues surrounding food justice and sustainability (with a side eye towards the meat industry). Prior to joining GRACE, Maggie worked in several capacities for NYU’s Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health Department, including as a research assistant to food policy analysts and as an adjunct professor and teaching assistant. Maggie is lovingly engrossed with her CSA, and is really into composting. In her spare time, she likes bouldering, jumping into lakes, and putting things in color order. We wrap up the episode with some trivia about one of Maggie's favorite food: the gooseberry!

Episode Notes

On this episode of HRN Happy Hour, Caity's dear friend and former classmate, Maggie Tauranac joins us in studio! Kat recaps her trip to Slow Food Nations in Denver (click here to see and hear all the coverage) and we share some other headlines from around HRN and the food world!

After the break, we hear more from Maggie, who is now the Program Associate at GRACE Communications Foundation, which advocates for more sustainable alternatives to our current industrial food system. Maggie has an MA in Food Studies from New York University where she conducted an analysis on agricultural antibiotic overuse and strategies for reduction. With a particular interest in ethics in the food system, her focus is predominantly on policy/advocacy issues surrounding food justice and sustainability (with a side eye towards the meat industry). Prior to joining GRACE, Maggie worked in several capacities for NYU’s Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health Department, including as a research assistant to food policy analysts and as an adjunct professor and teaching assistant. Maggie is lovingly engrossed with her CSA, and is really into composting. In her spare time, she likes bouldering, jumping into lakes, and putting things in color order.

We wrap up the episode with some trivia about one of Maggie's favorite food: the gooseberry!