Amuse News

Rochelle Oliver

Episode Summary

Rochelle Oliver is a food writer exploring the flavors that make island cuisine (and culture) so unique. She was recently a guest on A Taste of the Past, where she took host Linda Pelaccio all the way back to the 1500’s to learn about the origins of the favorite Jamaican food preparation – Jerk. We welcome Rochelle to talk about her upcoming projects and play some Caribbean-inspired celebrity and food trivia.

Episode Notes

Rochelle Oliver is a food writer exploring the flavors that make island cuisine (and culture) so unique. She was recently a guest on A Taste of the Past, where she took host Linda Pelaccio all the way back to the 1500’s to learn about the origins of the favorite Jamaican food preparation – Jerk. We welcome Rochelle to talk about her upcoming projects and play some Caribbean-inspired celebrity and food trivia.

Our theme song is “Suns Out Guns Out” by Concord America.
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